Connecting Companies
Cities and Communities


Connecting Companies
Cities and Communities


RACE INformation

The relay is for teams of 5 people from the same company who can enter one of 4 categories

Relay race – women

Relay race – men
Relay race – mixed (incl non binary)
Walk – as a team not individually

All routes are five kilometres. In the relay race categories, one team member will run at a time. In the walk category, the entire team walks the route together. Individuals and teams will be timed and leaderboards enable teams to track and support participants


Our event festival is the place to relax socialise and enjoy great food from
multiple vendors. Tables and chairs are provided and alcoholic and non-
alcoholic drinks will be served at multiple bars. DJ’s will keep you
entertained until our live music begins with live music guaranteed to get
you back up on your feet.



Sports Media Agency extends a warm invitation to all companies to be a part of an unparalleled experience –TheForCorporate Relay Festival Series UK. Get ready to lace up your sneakers and ignite your competitive spirit as we embark on a journey filled with excitement, camaraderie, and unforgettable memories.. Companies with offices across the nation, converge for a remarkable wellness initiative.

 ForCorporate Relay is a series of 5km relay races across UK cities. In 2024 we begin in the iconic cities of London (The Olympic Park) and Manchester (Media City) in Sept with three more cities lined up for 2025 and more for 2026.

It’s not just about the race, it’s about fostering teamwork, promoting well-being, and embracing the spirit of corporate unity.  Whether you’re a seasoned sprinter, a leisurely jogger, or prefer a leisurely stroll with lively banter we cater to all preferences and paces. It’s not just about crossing the finish line, it’s about the journey you embark upon with your colleagues.